Help develop the program for the Against All Odds virtual conference! 
Against All Odds is Food & Water Watch's annual benefit to protect our planet. This year, there will be a virtual conference on Wednesday, October 11 and a reception in New York City on Thursday, October 12. 

This conference is for you! Your feedback will shape program to make sure we're hosting sessions that empower you as an activist in our fight for safe food, clean water and a livable climate! 

Share your feedback below. 

We'll be selecting one lucky winner to receive a free Ally level pass to the virtual conference! 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
(First and Last)
Email Address *
What timezone are you in?  *
What types of content are you most interested in? *
Are you interested in networking opportunities?  *
Example: A virtual room where you can turn your camera and microphone on to have conversations with fellow attendees and the Food & Water Watch team. 
What topics are you most interested in?  *
Please check any topics that interest you. 
Any other feedback or ideas you'd like to share? 
Please enter me into the drawing to win a free pass to the virtual conference on Wednesday, October 11 from 3:30-5:30 pm Eastern!  *
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